There was a girl and her camera. So this is my very first time creating a blog and therefore blogging. I have read a number of other blogs on a variety of subjects and so this is a new beginning for me.
I have been in love with photography as long as I can remember. I remember when my parents just had a 35mm film camera and each time we picked it up as children it was like holding a bar of gold. Both of my grandfather’s and my Dad all had a love for photography. My Opa, came over from Holland with 11 children and his prized posession was his camera. This was his way of documenting his family’s new future in Canada – the land of promises. My Dad taught me my first photography lesson – make every picture count. I think this lesson came because film was expensive and wasting a shot was not acceptable. But through that lesson I have learnt to be creative and get it right the first time.
Photography to me is creating a picture which can tell a story. I feel that when I look through my lens I am looking deep into the soul of something that is to be, something I will help the picture share.
Anyway! So this is going to be fun! I guess the biggest reason for creating a blog is I want to share with other photographers my experiences and lesson learned along the way of starting my own photography business. I have had success quickly because of the blogs and advice given by some fantastic photograhers. I hope that I can answer questions that other newbies may have and also just share what I have learnt along the way!
So, here’s to new beginnings !
Alicia x
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