Every bride hopes for the perfect wedding day and the perfect weather. But the one thing we cannot control is the weather. Jane’s dream was to have her wedding breakfast in her parent’s orchard, surrounded by friends and family and 5000 fairy lights. But the weather was acting like a two year old planning on having a temper tantrum. It started out dry, but ominous. Jane and the girls’ got ready, with several quick peeks out the window to check on the skies. Just as Janes went to put on her dress, the skies opened. The tantrum began with a true howl. The rain lashed down on this Gloucestershire wedding, but Jane stayed positive. In all my years as a Gloucestershire wedding photographer, I don’t think I have seen such a positive, stubborn bride before. She was NOT going to let the rain beat her.

The open top vintage Ford trucks were quickly covered to keep them dry for the bridal party’s short drive to the village church and the tables that were set in the orchard, ready for the wedding guests to arrive after the ceremony were covered.

The wedding ceremony was beautiful in the overflowing little church where Jane had grown up. All her family and friends blessed Jane and Steve and their new adventures in life together.

The rain was still coming down as they left the church, but with the umbrella’s open, they kissed under the rain as the old vintage Ford took them off to the party.

Can I use the word rain again!? Because that was the theme of the day. The guests huddled under umbrella’s and 5000 fairy lights as they ate their wedding breakfast, laughing at the state of the weather and how it couldn’t have been any wetter for these two beautiful people. But as the speeches began, the clouds began to lift. As if to say the tantrum was ending, the weather gave up and the blue skies took over.

Jane’s dad swept the puddles off the dance floor and the party took it up a notch. The ice cream van, vintage bowls, and caricature artist had the guests busy with various activities into the evening.


So – don’t let the rain beat you down. Just embrace it. If you know me at all you will know my motto as a UK wedding photographer is – buy a pair of wellies and make a little magic in the rain!


If you are looking for a well seasoned wedding photographer who can handle any type of weather, please get in touch for my wedding photography packages and prices. I am more than happy to help you with your wedding planning and making your day absolutely perfect.


Wishing you a day full of magic and happiness.

Alicia x

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