It may have taken me six months to get this blog up, but it is finally here. In September 2015 I entered a photography competition with Canon UK. With thousands of photographers entering images from all over the UK I was very lucky to be the chosen winner of their World Rugby Cup Competition.
Now, if you aren’t into rugby this may mean nothing to you, but in our house this was BIG news. Not only did I get to feel pretty proud of my accomplishment but I also got the BEST prize of all time.
I was whisked off to London in a private taxi where I spent the day with a Getty Professional sports photographer for the day and I got to play with some amazing equipment whilst photographing the England Rugby team.
When we walked out to the pitch, it was lined with ALOT of people… mostly men photographers, news anchors and any other professional that had a stake in the World rugby tournament. As the England Rugby team began to pour out of the dressing room I couldn’t help but feel like a kid behind a £12,000 lens. It was a dream to photograph some amazing athletes in a sport I absolutely adore.
To top off the day I was given two tickets to the England vs Wales Rugby game (Yes, I know. We lost… ) but due to my work day – which put me at a wedding, my husband Paul and son Morgan lucked out with going to the match. They made memories together.
I was given a beautiful Canon camera as an additional bonus; which was not expected !!!
Overall it was an amazing experience. Seeing my image being used on their website, posters, and then having someone message me saying they just received an email with a picture of our kids for World Rugby – I was over the moon.
Yay for sport and for companies that make it accessible to all. Even the photographer.

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